The Vocal Cords of the Giraffe

Do giraffes have vocal cords?

This is a hot potato, which raises violent protests whatever answer is given.

Whether they do have vocal cords, or whether they don't, has never been disputed by scientists. They do have them; but they don't use them much. Although they were known to communicate through grunts and snorts, for years it was suggested that because of the length of their necks, they were unable to produce sufficient airflow to make any sound by vibrating their vocal cords.

Recent research however has shown that they do use their vocal cords to make a kind of humming noise. They only do it at night, and the average hum is very much on the low end for human hearing. This is why, when the researchers played the sounds back to giraffe keepers and zoo managers, they'd never heard them before.

The most informative article I found on this subject was on Wired.

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